Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Post election disconnected thoughts

It's been kind of strange the last week or so. We won, Dems have the majority in both houses. Repugs are on the run and Bush remains delusional. Poppy, et al, have been called in to wipe Jr's ass. And, I am as happy, as happy can be.

Pelosi will be the new Speaker of the House. And, she's testing her political clout by not only endorsing Murtha, but by calling in her chips to get him elected. I heard today that Murtha has some serious ethical issues involving his brother, a Washington lobbyist for a defense contractor, who was successful in getting some military contracts that Murtha voted on. I kind of feel sick about that. And, it makes me wonder.

And, Ned Lamont. After reading Tim's Kos diary about the Democratic support that Ned did not receive, I wonder why. Especially Obama's failure to help out in a campaign so supported by the people of Connecticut.

So, I wait and I watch.

To be continued..........


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