Thursday, September 21, 2006

Ass Backwards

Check this out. And, they called Kerry a Flip Flopper? Evangelicals scare the hell out of me. However, the sheep that blindly follow/listen to these so-called preachers scare me much more.

Dobson preaches mixed message
Conservative leader criticizes, praises GOP leadership

James Dobson speaks during last night's Stand for the Family rally at the Mellon Arena. Standing before an enormous American flag in Mellon Arena, conservative evangelical activist James Dobson told thousands of supporters he was deeply disappointed in the nation's Republican leadership, but that the nation's future depended on re-electing them.

"I have flat-out been ticked at Republicans for the past two years," he said, to some applause from a crowd that arena security estimated at around 3,000.

However, he said, "This country is at a crisis point. Whether or not the Republicans deserve the power they were given, the alternatives are downright frightening."

Link to Story

Link to Focus on the Family

You tell me - is this guy mixed up or what? The honorable, pious preacher is willing to sacrifice everything that is going wrong with our country to keep the horribly irresponsible Republicans in power so gays can't marry and abortion will be illegal. And, oh, yeah. So he can stay not-for-profit and keep the money rolling in. Charlatan.


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